

The following are a set of React hooks designed to easily work with ADAM principles like Perspectives, Expressions and Subject Classes within React applications:


The useAgent hook is allows designed to manage state related to fetching and caching data about ADAM agents, i.e. users, based on their DID.


The useAgent hook accepts the following props:

  • client: An instance of AgentClient which represents a client to interact with the AD4M network.
  • did: A string or a function that returns a string representing the decentralized identifier (DID) of the agent.
  • formatter(links: LinkExpression[]): A function that takes a links and formatted data structure.

Return Values

The useAgent hook returns an object with the following properties:

  • agent: The cached Agent object fetched from the AD4M network.
  • profile: The profile data formatted using the provided formatter function.
  • error: Any error encountered during data fetching.
  • mutate: A function to mutate the shared/cached data for all subscribers.
  • reload: A function to trigger a re-fetch of data from the AD4M network.

Example Usage

import { useAgent } from '@coasys/ad4m/hooks/react';
const MyComponent = () => {
  const client = new AgentClient();
  const did = "some-did";
  const formatter = (links) => ({ id: links[0].data.target, name: links[1].data.target });
  const { agent, profile, error, mutate, reload } = useAgent({ client, did, formatter });
  useEffect(() => {
    console.log("Agent:", agent);
    console.log("Profile:", profile);
    console.log("Error:", error);
  }, [agent, profile, error]);
  return (
      {/* Render your component using the fetched data */}


The useClient hook is a hook provides access to the underlying `Ad4mClient.


This hook does not accept any props.

Return Value

The useClient hook returns an object with the following properties:

  • client: The cached Ad4mClient object fetched from the AD4M network.
  • error: Any error encountered during data fetching.
  • mutate: A function to mutate the shared/cached data for all subscribers.
  • reload: A function to trigger a re-fetch of the AD4M client data.

Example Usage

import { useEffect } from "react";
import { useClient } from '@coasys/ad4m/hooks/react';
const MyComponent = () => {
  const { client, error, reload } = useClient();
  useEffect(() => {
    if (error) {
      console.error("Error fetching AD4M client:", error);
  }, [error]);
  return (
      <h1>My AD4M Application</h1>
      <p>Client: {client ? "Connected" : "Disconnected"}</p>
      <button onClick={reload}>Reload Client</button>
export default MyComponent;


The useMe hook is a custom React hook designed to manage state related to fetching and caching user data, including agent information and profile data.


  • agent: An instance of AgentClient representing the user's agent in the AD4M network.
  • formatter(links: LinkExpression[]): A function that takes a links and formatted data structure.

Return Value

The useMe hook returns an object with the following properties:

  • me: The user's agent object.
  • status: The status of the user's agent.
  • profile: The user's profile data formatted using the provided formatter function.
  • error: Any error encountered during data fetching.
  • mutate: A function to mutate the shared/cached data for all subscribers.
  • reload: A function to trigger a re-fetch of the user's data.

Example Usage

import { useEffect } from "react";
import { useMe } from from '@coasys/ad4m/hooks/react';
const MyComponent = () => {
  const { me, status, profile, error, reload } = useMe(agentClient, formatProfile);
  useEffect(() => {
    if (error) {
      console.error("Error fetching user data:", error);
  }, [error]);
  return (
      <h1>User Profile</h1>
      {me && (
          <p>Name: {me.name}</p>
          <p>Email: {me.email}</p>
          <p>Status: {status}</p>
      {profile && (
          {/* Render profile data here */}
      <button onClick={reload}>Reload Data</button>
export default MyComponent;


The usePerspective hook is a hook that allows to fetching and caching a specific perspective from the AD4M.


  • client: An instance of Ad4mClient representing the client to interact with the AD4M network.
  • uuid: A string or a function that returns a string representing the UUID of the perspective.

Return Value

The usePerspective hook returns an object with the following properties:

  • data: An object containing the fetched perspective and its synchronization status.

Example Usage

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { usePerspectives } from './usePerspectives';
import { Ad4mClient, PerspectiveProxy } from '../../index';
import { usePerspective } from from '@coasys/ad4m/hooks/react';
const MyComponent = () => {
  const client = new Ad4mClient(); // Initialize your Ad4m client
  const perspectiveUuid = "some-uuid"; // Provide the UUID of the perspective you want to fetch
  const { data } = usePerspective(client, perspectiveUuid);
  useEffect(() => {
    if (data.perspective) {
      console.log("Fetched perspective:", data.perspective);
      console.log("Synced:", data.synced);
  }, [data]);
  return (
      {/* Render your component using the fetched perspective data */}
export default MyComponent;


The usePerspectives hook is a hook that allows to fetching and caching all the perspectives from the AD4M.


  • client: An instance of Ad4mClient representing the client to interact with the AD4M network.

Return Value

The usePerspectives hook returns an object with the following properties:

  • perspectives: An object containing all fetched perspectives, indexed by their UUIDs.
  • neighbourhoods: An object containing only the fetched perspectives that have a shared URL, indexed by their UUIDs.
  • onLinkAdded: A function to register a callback to be called when a link is added to any perspective.
  • onLinkRemoved: A function to register a callback to be called when a link is removed from any perspective.

Example Usage

import React, { useEffect } from "react";
import { Ad4mClient } from "../../index";
import { usePerspectives } from from '@coasys/ad4m/hooks/react';
const MyComponent = () => {
  const client = new Ad4mClient(); // Initialize your Ad4m client
  const { perspectives, neighbourhoods, onLinkAdded, onLinkRemoved } = usePerspectives(client);
  useEffect(() => {
    // Example of registering a callback for link added event
    const linkAddedCallback = (perspective, link) => {
      console.log("Link added to perspective:", perspective.uuid);
      console.log("Link details:", link);
    // Example of registering a callback for link removed event
    const linkRemovedCallback = (perspective, link) => {
      console.log("Link removed from perspective:", perspective.uuid);
      console.log("Link details:", link);
    return () => {
      // Clean up by removing the registered callbacks
  }, [onLinkAdded, onLinkRemoved]);
  return (
      <h2>All Perspectives</h2>
        {Object.values(perspectives).map((perspective) => (
          <li key={perspective.uuid}>{perspective.uuid}</li>
        {Object.values(neighbourhoods).map((neighbourhood) => (
          <li key={neighbourhood.uuid}>{neighbourhood.uuid}</li>
export default MyComponent;


The useSubject hook is a hook that allows you to interact with a single subject instance and listen to any changes on that instance.


  • id: A string representing the unique identifier of the subject.
  • perspective: An instance of PerspectiveProxy representing the perspective containing the subject.
  • subject: A string or a class representing the type of subject.

Return Value

The useSubject hook returns an object with the following properties:

  • entry: The fetched subject data.
  • error: Any error encountered during data fetching.
  • mutate: A function to mutate the shared/cached data for all subscribers.
  • repo: An instance of SubjectRepository for interacting with the subject data.
  • reload: A function to trigger a re-fetch of the subject data.

Example Usage

import { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { PerspectiveProxy, LinkExpression } from "../../index";
import { useSubject } from from '@coasys/ad4m/hooks/react'; // SDNA class
const MyComponent = () => {
  const perspective = new PerspectiveProxy(); // Initialize your perspective
  const subjectId = "some-unique-id"; // Provide the ID of the subject you want to fetch
  const subjectType = "SomeSubject"; // Provide the type of the subject
  const { entry, error, reload } = useSubject({
    id: subjectId,
    perspective: perspective,
    subject: subjectType, // SDNA Class
  useEffect(() => {
    if (error) {
      console.error("Error fetching subject data:", error);
  }, [error]);
  return (
      <h1>Subject Data</h1>
      {entry && (
          <p>ID: {entry.id}</p>
          <p>Timestamp: {entry.timestamp}</p>
          <p>Author: {entry.author}</p>
          {/* Render additional subject data here */}
      <button onClick={reload}>Reload Data</button>
export default MyComponent;


The useSubjects hook that allows to listen to all the subject instances of a subject class.


  • source: A string representing the source of the subjects.
  • perspective: An instance of PerspectiveProxy representing the perspective containing the subjects.
  • subject: A class or a string representing the type of the subjects.
  • query (optional): An object representing query options for fetching subjects.

Return Value

The useSubjects hook returns an object with the following properties:

  • entries: An array of fetched subject data.
  • error: Any error encountered during data fetching.
  • mutate: A function to mutate the shared/cached data for all subscribers.
  • setQuery: A function to update the query options for fetching subjects.
  • repo: An instance of SubjectRepository for interacting with the subject data.
  • isLoading: A boolean indicating whether data is currently being fetched.
  • reload: A function to trigger a re-fetch of the subject data.
  • isMore: A boolean indicating whether there are more subjects available to fetch based on query options.

Example Usage

import { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { PerspectiveProxy, LinkExpression } from "../../index";
import { useSubjects } from from '@coasys/ad4m/hooks/react'; 
const MyComponent = () => {
  const perspective = new PerspectiveProxy(); // Initialize your perspective
  const source = "some-source"; // Provide the source of the subjects
  const { entries, error, isLoading, reload, isMore, setQuery } = useSubjects({
    source: source,
    perspective: perspective,
    subject: subjectType, // SDNA Class
    query: { page: 1, size: 10, infinite: false, uniqueKey: "uniqueKey" }
  useEffect(() => {
    if (error) {
      console.error("Error fetching subjects data:", error);
  }, [error]);
  return (
      <h1>Subjects Data</h1>
      {isLoading ? (
      ) : (
          {entries.map(entry => (
            <li key={entry.id}>
              {/* Render subject data here */}
      <button onClick={reload}>Reload Data</button>
      {isMore && <button onClick={() => setQuery({ ...query, page: query.page + 1 })}>Load More</button>}
export default MyComponent;